Welcome to Toxic's Weavery! Home of woven luxury for all our reptile familiars, and even their human counterparts!!

Greetings, Witches and Warlocks! Welcome to my little Weavery! Here you'll find all kinds of handmade crochet goods, but mostly those for our scaly babies! I'm so thankful to be able to make a job out of weaving these practical treasures for so many adorable pets, and am so excited for more! This started as a project for my own 'PseudoDragon', and has flourished. I do my best to make sure that all my products are safe and durable, and I do what I can to try to be as environmentally friendly as possible; Compostable packaging, minimal fluff. Trying to do my part. <3
I can't wait to have you and your familiar come through the Weavery soon!

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